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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Creating IORM Plans on Oracle Exadata:

Create a simple plan:

CellCLI> alter iormplan
dbplan=((name=db1_prod, level=1, allocation=70),
(name=db2_prod, level=1, allocation=30),
(name=db1_dev, level=2, allocation=100),
(name=db1_test, level=3, allocation=70),
(name=other, level=3, allocation=40)),

CellCLI> alter iormplan active

Create a plan based on a Data Guard environment:

CellCLI> alter iormplan dbplan=( -
(name=mydbprod1, level=1, allocation=40, role=primary), -
(name=mydbprod2, level=1, allocation=30, role=primary), -
(name=mydbprod, level=2, allocation=20, role=standby), -
(name=mydbprod2, level=2, allocation=25, role=standby), -
(name=other, level=3, allocation = 50))

Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

RMAN Delete archivelog backups

If you want to delete archivelog backups made before sysdate-2 execute the command below:

delete noprompt backup of archivelog all completed before 'sysdate-2';

Your archive backup script would be like that:

allocate channel t1 device type disk;

format '/u01/backup/YOUR_DB_%t_%s_%U'
archivelog all
tag 'BKP_ARCH_YOURDB_2hs_2hs';

delete noprompt backup of archivelog all completed before 'sysdate-2';

Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal