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Friday, August 22, 2014

New Cluster ASM Commands

ASMCMD> help
        Starts asmcmd or executes the command

        asmcmd [-V] [--nocp] [-v {errors | warnings | normal | info | debug} ] [--privilege {sysasm | sysdba} ] [-p] [--inst ] [--discover][]

        The environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID determine the
        instance to which the program connects, and ASMCMD establishes a
        bequeath connection to it, in the same manner as a SQLPLUS / AS
        SYSASM.  The user must be a member of the OSASM group.

        If Flex ASM is enabled, the ASMCMD connects to any one of the ASM
        instances running in the cluster. The connection to ASM instance does
        not depend on the environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID.
        The ASMCMD alert log shows to which instance ASMCMD is connected to.
        If the user wants to connect to a specific ASM instance, --inst option
        should be used to specify the instance name.

        Specifying the -V option prints the asmcmd version number and
        exits immediately.

        Specifying the --nocp option disables connection pooling feature for
        Specifying the -v option prints extra information that can help
        advanced users diagnose problems.

        Specify the --privilege option to choose the type of connection. There are
        only two possibilities: connecting as SYSASM or as SYSDBA.

        The default value if this option is unspecified is SYSASM.

        Specifying the -p option allows the current directory to be displayed
        in the command prompt, like so:


        Specifying the --discover option uses discovery string obtained from
        Listener, does not use ORACLE_SID. 
        [command] specifies one of the following commands, along with its

        Type "help [command]" to get help on a specific ASMCMD command.


        md_backup, md_restore


        lsattr, setattr

        audcleanaudittrail, audclearproperty, audcleartimestamp
        audcreatejob, auddropjob, audloaduniauditfiles, audsetdebug
        audsetjobinterval, audsetjobstatus, audsetproperty, audsettimestamp
        audsettraillocation, audshowtimestamp, lsaudcleanevents
        lsaudcleanupjobs, lsaudconfigparams

        cd, cp, du, find, help, ls, lsct, lsdg, lsof, mkalias
        mkdir, pwd, rm, rmalias, showclustermode, showclusterstate
        showpatches, showversion

        mapau, mapextent

        chdg, chkdg, dropdg, iostat, lsdsk, lsod, mkdg, mount
        offline, online, rebal, remap, umount

        pwcopy, pwcreate, pwdelete, pwget, pwmove, pwset

        afd_configure, afd_deconfigure, afd_dsget, afd_dsset
        afd_filter, afd_label, afd_lsdsk, afd_scan, afd_state
        afd_unlabel, dsget, dsset, lsop, mkcc, rmcc, shutdown
        spbackup, spcopy, spget, spmove, spset, startup

        chtmpl, lstmpl, mktmpl, rmtmpl

        chgrp, chmod, chown, groups, grpmod, lsgrp, lspwusr, lsusr
        mkgrp, mkusr, orapwusr, passwd, rmgrp, rmusr, rpusr

        volcreate, voldelete, voldisable, volenable, volinfo
        volresize, volset, volstat

ASMCMD> lsaudconfigparams
Type   Parameter Name             Parameter Value         
       AUDIT FILE MAX SIZE        10000                   
       AUDIT FILE MAX SIZE        10000                   
       AUDIT FILE MAX AGE         5                       
       AUDIT FILE MAX AGE         5                       
ASMCMD> showclustermode
ASM cluster : Flex mode disabled
ASMCMD> showclusterstate
ASMCMD> showversion
ASM version         :
ASMCMD> spbackup
usage: spbackup
help:  help spbackup
ASMCMD> help spbackup
        Backs up an Oracle ASM SPFILE to a back up file.


        The options for the spbackup command are described below:
        source        - specifies the source file name
        destination     - specifies the destination file name
        spbackup should be used when you want to make single or multiple
        backups of an SPFILE in the same or different disk group without
        creating an SPFILE in target disk group.
        Note the following about the use of spbackup:
            spbackup can back up an Oracle ASM SPFILE from a disk group to a
            disk group or to an operating system file.
            spbackup can back up an Oracle ASM SPFILE from an operating
            system file to a disk group or to an operating system file.
            spbackup can back up an Oracle ASM SPFILE when the SPFILE is being
            used by an open Oracle ASM instance.
            spbackup can make multiple backups of an Oracle ASM SPFILE in the
            same disk group.
        spbackup does not affect the GPnP profile.  The back up file that is
        created is not a special file type and is not identified as an SPFILE.
        This back up file cannot be copied with spcopy.  To copy this back up
        file, use the ASMCMD cp command.
        To make a copy of a back up file in a disk group that is identified as
        a SPFILE file:
          1. Use the ASMCMD cp command to copy the back up file from the disk
             group to an operating system file.
          2. Use the ASMCMD spcopy command to copy the operating system file
             to a disk group.

        The following are examples of the spbackup command.
        The first example backs up the SPFILE in the DATA disk group.
        The second example backs up the SPFILE from the DATA disk group to the
        FRA disk group.
        ASMCMD>spbackup +DATA/asm/asmparameterfile/registry.253.721810181
        ASMCMD>spbackup +DATA/asm/asmparameterfile/registry.253.721810181

See Also
       cp spcopy

ASMCMD> help chtmpl
        Changes the attributes of a template.

        chtmpl -G { [--striping {coarse|fine}] [--redundancy {high|mirror|unprotected} ] [--primary {hot|cold}] [--secondary {hot|cold}]}