1-Download the file at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/availability/oracle-zdlra-backup-module-2279224.html
2-Unzip and install using this command example that you can find in README.txt file
That's it.
You finished this step.
Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal
2-Unzip and install using this command example that you can find in README.txt file
% java -jar ra_install.jar -dbUser joe -dbPass Oracle -serviceName DBS.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.US.ORACLE.COM -host slc08uth.us.oracle.com -walletDir $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/ra_wallet -libDir $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ -proxyHost www-proxy.smallcompany.com Recovery Appliance Install Tool, build 2014-08-07 Recovery Appliance credentials are valid. Recovery Appliance wallet created in directory /orclhome/dbs/ra_wallet. Recovery Appliance initialization file /orclhome/dbs/rat1.ora created. Downloading Recovery Appliance Software Library from file ra_linux64.zip. Download complete. Extracted file /orclhome/lib/libra.so
That's it.
You finished this step.
Best Regards,
Paulo Portugal