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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Calibrating I/O on 11g

You can use PL/SQL to calibrate I/O as you can use Database Control. A simple example of how to use this tool using PL/SQL is below:


v_max_mbps binary_integer;
v_actual_latency binary_integer;
v_max_iops binary_integer;
num_physical_disks => 10,
max_latency => 15,
max_iops => v_max_iops,
max_mbps => v_max_mbps,
actual_latency => v_actual_latency);

num_disks:     number of disks on your storage (approximately)
max_latency:  maximum value for a tolerable latency in miliseconds
max_iops:      maximu number of random db-block size read request
actual_latency: average latency

--Now query the view v$io_calibration_status to check the status of job
--Finally check dba_rsrc_io_calibrate to check the results

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