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Monday, November 9, 2009

Backing up OCR , Voting ,Tar CRS_HOME and Inventory Home Before Applying Patch Set

Before applying Oracle Patch Set 10.2.0.x on your $CRS_HOME it's advisable to backup your binaries on $CRS_HOME and also your OCR and Voting devices.

Here is a simple example of how to do that:

--Backup CRS_HOME
tar cvhf crs_bkp_06_nov_2009_node1.tar /opt/oracle/products/crs
tar cvhf crs_bkp_06_nov_2009_node2.tar /opt/oracle/products/crs
tar cvhf crs_bkp_06_nov_2009_node3.tar /opt/oracle/products/crs

----Backup inventory
tar cvhf inventory_bkp_06_nov_2009_node1.tar /opt/oracle/oraInventory
tar cvhf inventory_bkp_06_nov_2009_node2.tar /opt/oracle/oraInventory
tar cvhf inventory_bkp_06_nov_2009_node3.tar /opt/oracle/oraInventory

--Backup OCR (Backups are done automatically by Oracle but it's a good idea to make it again)
ocrconfig -showbackup
ocrconfig -export OCR_export_07_nov_2009_node1 -s online
ocrconfig -export OCR_export_07_nov_2009_node2 -s online
ocrconfig -export OCR_export_07_nov_2009_node3 -s online
ocrcheck --checking where they are
--Using dd command:
dd if=/dev/rlv_OCR1 of=bkp_OCR1_node1
dd if=/dev/rlv_OCR1 of=bkp_OCR1_node2
dd if=/dev/rlv_OCR1 of=bkp_OCR1_node3

--Backup voting disks
crsctl query css votedisk --Checking where they are
dd if=/dev/rlv_VOTE1 of=bkp_VOTE1_node1
dd if=/dev/rlv_VOTE1 of=bkp_VOTE1_node2
dd if=/dev/rlv_VOTE1 of=bkp_VOTE1_node3

Now you can Upgrade your CRS_HOME using Rolling Upgrade Option or NoRolling (all of then at the same time).

It's important to remember that when you are upgrading CRS_HOME, all nodes will be marked by default, you can install binaries with all services online (instances, listeners, services and CRS deamons) and just need to shutdown services at the end of installation before runing the script. At that time you can stop one node at a time and this is rolling upgrade.

Make sure that you have read all the Patch Set Note(Installation Note)!!!

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